USB Safely Remove can manage the drive letters of extrenal drives
and has the following features:
Preventing the system from assigning specified letters to hot-plug drives
If you have one or more network drives connected as well as you actively use USB devices, Windows on its restart may mount a USB device to the letter of a network drive or vice versa. In this case the network drive will be unavailable or it can be mounted to another drive letter which is inconvenient, when you have program shortcuts to this drive. To tell USB Safely Remove what letters must not be assigned to your hot-plug devices, enable "Prohibit to assign the following drive letters to hot-plug devices" option at the "Drive letters" tab of the program Options:
Mounting hot-plug drives as folders of a fixed drive
If you have several external drives, Windows may mount
the same drive to different letters on system restart. It might be unuseful,
especially if you setup data backup software for this drive. In this case it is
convenient to have these drives mounted as folders of your fixed NTFS drive and
disable assigning of the letters to the drives. For example you can mount all your
external drives to the folder of drive C: - C:\Externals. You can see benefits
of this solution from the figure below. In short, all your external drives
will have clear fixed names, as well as you can see which drives are
connected at the moment ("Backup Drive", "JetFlash 32 GB") and which not.
In order to mount a hot-plug drive as a folder:
External drives can be mounted only to empty NTFS drive's folder!
Changing drive letters directly in the program
You can change drive letter of a device or even disable it to hide device drive
in Explorer.
In order to change drive letter:
Fixing a drive letter to a removable drive
Windows may assign different drive letters to a certain device, so you are not sure what drive letter will have your flash drive on this connection. Usually it's a bit annoying but do not prevent you working. The problem will arise when you need to start non-portable applications from the flash drive or you wish to ask a desktop application to store data to your external drive. In this case the device must have a fixed drive letter that isn't changed amongst different connections. USB Safely Remove starting from version 4.2 resolves that problem. It allows you to fix drive letter to a device. Just open your device properties, switch "Drive properties" tab, choose required drive letter and check "Fix drive letter". Starting from this moment your device will always stay with this drive letter and no one of other devices will occupy this letter even when your device is not connected.
The drive with a fixed letter will have a small lock sign
in the front of the drive letter in the device menu. For example:
Fixing a drive letter to several removable drives
For some scenarios of usage it's required to automatically assign the same
drive letter to several external drives on the condition that the user will
connect only one of the drives at the same time. For example it might be
required for backup purposes when you setup the backup program to do backups to
a certain path and wish to backup to a different removable drives.In order to fix a certain drive letter to several drives do the following steps:
Also you can choose a temporary letter in the standard drive properties dialog:
Hiding empty card reader drives from the system!
Do you have a card reader with several slots? If you said "yes", you would
likely use only one memory card at a time, however your card reader
creates up to 4 drives in your system. It may be annoying because you are required
to spend more time finding the memory card drive among other "empty" card
reader drives.
In order to enable an option to hide empty card reader slots: