Hi Paradoxical,
Thank you for taking time to write about issue. We had a spam attack on the forum, I did a clean up and accidentally deleted several legal user accounts with their posts If you had an unanswered messages on the forum feel free to post them again. And I'm sorry about this issue.
Hi, I'm sorry for so long response. Yes, we are currently working and finishing testing of the new version of USB Safely Remove 7.0. It has a major rework of UI and will fit Win 11 better. I hope we'll release it this month. Here are some screenshots: usbsr-quickmenu-w11.png usbsr-main-w1.png usbsr-...
Hi Paradoxical,
I'm sorry for ignoring your topic. I've added your suggestion to the feature list and will consider adding it in one of the following versions.
Hi MateuszCOMPANY,
I'm sorry for so late response. Can you give me an example which certain keyboard keys do you mean by a "single key"? You'd like to stop a device by pressing e.g. "A" or "B"?
With one personal license you can install and use the program on each of your own PCs. If there's another person going to use the program an additional license is required. So in short you need to separate licenses - for you and your brother.
logon, Strange things happen :) I've tried to test it out and I'm not able to make USB Safely Remove to detect VHD drives at all (and actually it doesn't need to manage them). In short, if the current things are working for you let's leave it as is. But it's not OK that the latest version 6.4.2 cann...
logon, I'm sorry for the delay. Actually "Menu > Right-click on the Device Name > Hide Device From the Tray Menu" and "Device Properties > Device's behaviour > Hide this device from the tray menu? > Always hide" option is absolutely the same option which is specific for a selecte...
I've got your requirement. Can you please open the program settings and disable the option "Display all storage devices". Does it help in your case?
Hi Logon,
You can hide devices from the menu by right clicking to it and choosing "Hide device from the tray menu", for details see manual. If it's not what you need feel free to explain your task more detailed.
Вы имеете в виду "Олбанский"? Да, я исключил его из списка переводов, ибо он стал не в моде, да и некому было поддерживать. Я приложил последнюю версию, можете ее использовать или дополнить при желании.
Hi Keith, I'm sorry for so long response. I've already replied to your similar questions by email just copying my reply here. Zentimo (and USB Safely Remove) is compatible with Windows 11 except small UI issues (squared corners instead of rounded ones). Those issues we will fix in the next release. ...
I'd suggest to test the status of the disk with something else rather than our tool. If you know the drive letter you can use lots of dos commands. For example you can use mountvol command: