My beta update of Korean translation.
I reviewed the previous version of translation, and (sorry JH!

) I found some misspelled Korean and translations that are not actualy representing their functionalities.
Some option description texts from the most recent beta version featurs (e.g. enable verbose logging) are also translated.
Also I modified as following:
- Correction of some orthograpic miskates
- Using terms and words that are used in Korean version of Microsoft Windows (Vista)
- Keeping consistency of translated terms
I'm not sure that my correction is well done, but I hope it so.
At least it was OK when I checked it through program, except one thing: there is a problem when displaying "Disk space: Total - %s, Free - %s" here.
In my assumption, a letter right before "GB" is not a letter that is supported by Korean characterset, and causes a character problem when be followed by other 1-byte letter, by emulating character code of an unexpected 2-byte Korean character such as "쟃", as shown in the screenshot above.
So I added some blanks at the front of measure units like GB in my beta translation; however, there are still an unexpected question marks (?) in the messages.
In Korean characterset, unsupported characters often displayed as "?". I cannot distingusigh what this caracter is: since I am using Korean version of MS Windows, the letter is also broken even I selected English for the program language.
Igor, would you please provide me a screenshot of the drive properties menu in English MS Windows? Then maybe I can found what was the probelm.