Are there any plans to improve the Dutch translations?
Currently you provide two. One of them ("Nederlands") is incomplete and the other ("Netherlands") uses old and odd words...
Some examples and better translations:
"toestellen" -> "apparaten" (which is already used and makes the translation more consistent)
"Doorlopen" -> "Verkennen" (which is the word Windows uses for this operation)
"Nota!" -> "Let op:" ("nota" roughly translates to bill...)
"ganse" -> "hele" or "gehele" ("ganse" is rather old Dutch)
"Stop dadelijk" -> "Stop meteen" (I guess immediately is meant)
Some typo's:
"Verderg" -> "Verberg" (typo)
"groein" -> "groeien" (typo)
Furthermore, there are several sentences in which the order of the individual words appears to be a little weird.