Please, don't forget to contact us before making the translation! Probably someone is already translating program to your language.
Translation. Step-by-step manual
- Download the latest beta-version (or stable if there are no betas available) of the program here: and install it. Then proceed to the program's folder - %Program Files%\USB Safely Remove, here you'll see the folder "Languages", enter to this folder.
- In Languages folder select one of the language files - i.e. Russian.lng, rename it to <Your_language_name>.lng
- Open <Your_language_name>.lng file in editor* and translate all the strings. They have the next format: english_phrase=native_phrase. You have to delete a text after '=' sign and write translated text there.
- After you will have translated all the strings, restart program, and go to the program Options -> General tab, Languages section, choose your language there.
- Play with the program, check that all strings are translated and they are fit into their places.
- Send us <Your_language_name>.lng file