[Solved] How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

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[Solved] How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by logon »

My 1st post here: hello everyone!

I like USR and just wondering if there is a way in order to hide every mounted VHD from the tray menu without having to first mount it.

Thanks in advance for any addressing.
Last edited by logon on Mar 22nd, 2022, 1:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by Igor »

Hi Logon,
You can hide devices from the menu by right clicking to it and choosing "Hide device from the tray menu", for details see manual. If it's not what you need feel free to explain your task more detailed.
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Re: How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by logon »

Hi Igor,

Thank you for your prompt and appreciated reply.

It seemed to me to note the following behavioral difference:

from Main Menu > Right-click on the Device Name > Hide Device From the Tray Menu
then just that mounted VHD is hiding from the tray menu, but if you mount a different one then the latter will be shown;

from Device Properties > Device's behaviour > Hide this device from the tray menu? > Always hide
then any mounted VHDs is hiding from the tray menu, which is just what I want.

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Re: How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by Igor »

I've got your requirement. Can you please open the program settings and disable the option "Display all storage devices". Does it help in your case?

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Re: How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by logon »


Please note that the 2nd described way (bold is mine)
from Device Properties > Device's behaviour > Hide this device from the tray menu? > Always hide
then any mounted VHDs is hiding from the tray menu, which is just what I want.
as said, does work for me: so the issue seems solved.
Anyway the option "Display all storage devices" is always unchecked here.

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Re: [Solved] How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by Igor »

I'm sorry for the delay. Actually "Menu > Right-click on the Device Name > Hide Device From the Tray Menu" and "Device Properties > Device's behaviour > Hide this device from the tray menu? > Always hide" option is absolutely the same option which is specific for a selected device. I mean that if you set this option for one of your VHDs it will work only for this device and all newly connected VHDs will be visible on the menu until you toggle this option with any of the mentioned ways.

Let me know if you have any further suggestions or questions.
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Re: [Solved] How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by logon »


No doubt about what you say, and may be I'm wrong, but my experience is a bit different.

Trying USB Safely remove 5.2.3 (version 6.4.2 fails to start here and I found this old setup somewhere) under Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit I can confirm that the 2 ways described above after doing further tests behave exactly in the described different way.

As a matter of fact I just tried to create a testing VHD from Disk Management in order to be sure that it is surely a "new" VHD and once mounted it does not appear in systray menu (just as I want) at all.
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Re: [Solved] How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by Igor »

Strange things happen :) I've tried to test it out and I'm not able to make USB Safely Remove to detect VHD drives at all (and actually it doesn't need to manage them). In short, if the current things are working for you let's leave it as is. But it's not OK that the latest version 6.4.2 cannot run on your system. So at your wish I can investigate the issue more detailed and try to fix it. Feel free to write us to support@crystalrich.com the details of what's going on with 6.4.2.
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Re: [Solved] How to hide Virtual Hard Disk drives from the tray menu

Post by logon »

Igor wrote: Mar 22nd, 2022, 2:33 pm Strange things happen :) I've tried to test it out and I'm not able to make USB Safely Remove to detect VHD drives at all
Really strange enough :D

Anyway, in attachment some screenshots showing not only that mounted VHD is normally detected by USR here (please note that in order to make sure that USR normally showed the mounted VHD in the tray I previously deleted the 2 keys below from the Registry)


, but also the fact that I managed USR to NOT show mounted VHD in the tray simply merging to the Registry only 2 keys with few values (under my restore-at-boot system).


Last screenshot shows a just mounted VHD related registry entries (Volume).


(and actually it doesn't need to manage them).
Totally agree: it is precisely why I did NOT want them in USR tray. :wink:
But it's not OK that the latest version 6.4.2 cannot run on your system. So at your wish I can investigate the issue more detailed and try to fix it. Feel free to write us to support@crystalrich.com the details of what's going on with 6.4.2.
Okay, as soon as I've a while to do it I'll do it.
Meanwhile I can confirm that instead Zentimo 2.4.2 (just to try) does work flawlessly here, I'm not interested in it though.

Just tried to install version 6.4.2 (1297) again and this time it does run flawlessly.
I recently tried to install it in a hurry together with other programs and I guess there could have been a kind of incompatibility issue (restore-at-boot systems sometimes takes you to overdo).
Glad to confirm that instead it works.

Just to confirm that version 6.4.2 does not detect mounted VHD even here.

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