Code: Select all
net share %DriveLetter%$=%DriveLetter%:
Examining the commandline I found that p.ex.
Code: Select all
net share L:$=L::
But as it has worked before, I guess there must have been a change in the variable %DriveLetter%.
I guess it used to be the Drive-Letter without the colon at the time I wrote the line, making it
Code: Select all
net share L$=L:
Now I don't see any other solution as to call an external batch-script, which removes the colon from the variable and net-share it from there.
Can you confirm you changed the variable-content to the additional colon?
Is there another variable at hand that contains only the Drive-Letter without the colon, so I can use a single commandline in the input-field without calling an external batch-script?
Greetings from Germany!