Win 8.1x64, USR
Process "System" locked the return of unplugged (!) external Seagate Expansion 2Tb.
1. Power off HDD
2. Power on HDD
3. Device detected Ok.
λ usr.exe forcedstop -d j:
Device "Seagate Expansion Desk USB Device (J:)" has been stopped successfully!
λ usr.exe return -d j:
Cannot return "Seagate Expansion Desk USB Device (J:)" device back right now!Some processes might have opened files on this device's neighbors at the USB hub. Close them and tr
y the operation again. Use "usr wholocks ..." command to find out these processes.
λ usr wholocks -d j:
1 process(es) are locking "Seagate Expansion Desk USB Device (J:)"
Process Process file name
------- --------
Start HDD via tray was unsuccesfull also.

Just tried to make all operations via tray, not CLI? tha same result.