Please read below some simple rules on placing your ideas, suggestions and bug-reports on USB Safely Remove's forum:
If you have an idea, found a bug or just wanted to ask something, try to find a similar thread on the forum. If you find it and a bug hasn't closed (or idea hasn't implemented) yet, feel yourself free to leave a comment voting for this issue. As more votes we have for the issue as more quickly we will implement it.
If you haven't found a similar idea or a bug on the forum, please create it and describe your problem or idea as more detailed as possible.
Create subject that explains your idea or bug in short!!! Please do not post here threads with subjects like: "I have many ideas!", or "I found a bug", instead create more specific subjects like: "Idea: Add ability to play sounds", or "Bug: The program doesn't stop LaCie 1Tb HDD".
It is recommended to place different ideas\bugs to different posts, to get other people to vote for your ideas