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Display the icon and name from autorun.inf file in the device stopping menu

Posted: Aug 27th, 2020, 11:36 am
by Mark
I know this has been mentioned before - viewtopic.php?f=7&t=56
I did search the forum but found no other mention of this.

I also like to give my USB storage devices icons and names defined by the autorun.inf file.

- I think it would be more convenient if these were shown in the device stopping menu, instead of a default icon and the FriendlyName, it would be intuitive and make the devices instantly distinguishable.

- It would also be neat if, as mentioned by Igor, if when we configure the device name and icon, the program can create an autorun.inf file, and copy it and the icon onto the device (and hide them by applying file attributes system and hidden)

Yes, this can be done by manually setting the icon and device name for the device, in the program, but that has to be done manually on every computer :P

Maybe this is something you could consider adding, in the future :)

Thank you

Re: Display the icon and name from autorun.inf file in the device stopping menu

Posted: Sep 6th, 2020, 3:17 pm
by Igor
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the suggestions and I apologize for so long response.

Regarding displaying of the default icon (the same as in Explorer), yes, this is a good idea and we will probably implement it in the following version.

As for displaying of the drive label (instead of the device name?). Now the drive label is displayed after the drive letter in the menu:
drive-label.png (38 KiB) Viewed 49625 times
On your screenshots I cannot see the drive labels on the menu, probably because they were edited. Do you think the current way how the program is displayed the drive letter is inconvenient for you?

Re: Display the icon and name from autorun.inf file in the device stopping menu

Posted: Sep 6th, 2020, 7:00 pm
by Mark
Hello Igor,

Thank you for your reply. There is nothing inconvenient about the way it works currently - the drive labels and drive letters (F:) are more than enough to identify the drive. It's all good!

You don't see drive labels on my drives, because they don't have any (when I formatted them, I left the "volume label" field blank) because I set their labels in the autorun.inf file, I should have probably set the volume labels, too.

I like how it currently is, and I'm still able to set the name and icon to what I want, just wanted to leave a suggestion for the future, that's all :)