Stop load at startup

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Stop load at startup

Post by Klaatu »

Hi. Short of uninstalling USBSafelyremove, how do I stop it from loading at startup, including USBSRSERVICE.EXE? Have already deselected "Run on Windows Startup" from within the program and have stopped USBSRSERVICE.EXE via third-party programs and made it manual instead of automatic (start) and even tried to disable it. On a Vista box, USBSRSERVICE.EXE restarted seemingly on its own after having terminated the service. Thanks.
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Re: Stop load at startup

Post by Igor »

Klaatu wrote:Hi. Short of uninstalling USBSafelyremove, how do I stop it from loading at startup, including USBSRSERVICE.EXE? Have already deselected "Run on Windows Startup" from within the program and have stopped USBSRSERVICE.EXE via third-party programs and made it manual instead of automatic (start) and even tried to disable it. On a Vista box, USBSRSERVICE.EXE restarted seemingly on its own after having terminated the service. Thanks.
I have already replied you from our support desk where you wrote a copy of this question. I'm just copying my response here in case if anyone will have the same question.

If you have already deselected "Run on Windows Startup" "USBSafelyRemove.exe" won't run on startup. If it's still run, perhaps you added it to the startup manually. In this case use "msconfig" Windows tool ( ) to remove all the startup entries.

In order to prevent the service (USBSRService.exe) from running on startup it's enough to just change its startup type from "Automatic" to "Manual". (But I highly not recommend you to do this because the program will not function properly without this service).

Let me know if you have any further notes or questions.
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