Hello again,
Been quite active on these forums during the past few weeks.
For both USBSafelyRemove and Zentimo products it would be super cool to have a feature which is able to display previously connected devices devices similar to the way how many Windows applications have a 'Recent files' menu item.
Basically I have a recently corrupted 2.5 external hdd (by fault of my own) and I couldn't remember the GB capacity of the drive for when buying a new one. So rather than me wasting time unscrewing the enclosure to read that sort of disk information written onto the disk, it would've been awesome if within USBSafelyRemove I could view the last connected devices I had opened just to get this information quicker.
A downwards list of previously connected devices/drives should exist along with the device's icon/custom icon to the left side with a collapse button beside each drive name upon pressing would collapse to display the info (disk name, manufacture, last DISK SIZE, last used space, time checked etc) to the user.
With Windows-like sort columns for organizing the view
Ability to enable/disable the entire feature, probably it should be disabled on installation default (security reasons). Also ability to set the max number of devices to store in the list with removal of duplicates if same device was connected more than once in same day, week etc
What do you think?